Annotations make the object recognition process easier for machines and computer visions. Whereas algorithms are used in machine learning or AI-based model training to arrange the set of training data and customize the output after correlation of various things while performing particular tasks.
Though, annotations don’t have any major role in algorithm development but annotated data used to feed for machine learning are also helpful in algorithm development to learn the patterns and outputs for giving the accurate results.
Actually, annotations make the objects recognizable for machine and when such annotated data are used with suitable algorithms, it makes easier for computers to identify the similar objects easier and make the development process faster.
Annotations definitely help in algorithm development, as it makes easier for machine vision to recognize the object with certain types of marking or labeling techniques used to highlight such things. So, if you are looking to develop an algorithm or want to use annotated data into algorithms development, you should choose the annotated data wisely for best results.
Cogito is the company providing the annotation service for such needs. It is involved in image annotation, text annotations and video annotations using the advance data labeling tools and techniques for maximum accuracy and best results. Cogito is providing image annotation services for all leading industries like Healthcare, Medical Imagining, Automobile and Agriculture.
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